
eBook Creator Toolkit

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eBook Creator Toolkit Features

Dear Future eBook Creator Toolkit Owner: (I'm that confident) Even though I'm going to be short, sweet and to the Point...

...it will take you longer to read this letter than it will to compile an eBook with the eBook Creator Toolkit.

Creating your own eBooks with the eBook Creator Toolkit is that Easy. Three clicks of the button. 30 seconds of your day. For less than the Price of a large pizza.

But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's get Back to the Point.

eBooks are all the rage. In fact, they are so popular that they are almost becoming what Money Making reports were a few years ago. With all of the ebook collections popping up all over the place, the value of the average eBook is getting somewhere around the value of a half dozen rocks from the backyard.

And unless there's a diamond mine in your backyard, that means they aint' worth much. :o)

But, YOU can change that. How? By Creating YOUR OWN eBook. By pushing aside the garbage that is being churned out today and providing something of high-quality Content.

Now, I'm not here to Help you with your Writing. I'm here to Help you with Creating your eBook once you have your materials written. That's where eBook Creator Toolkit comes in.

Note: Bookmark this Page -- you'll need an eBook compiler Software to create the eBook, and there isn't a less expensive Software available anywhere Online. -----------------------------------------------------

In only 3 *super Simple* steps, you'll have your own eBook created and ready For distribution...

Step One -------> Select the Content.
Step one is as Simple as determining which Content Files you want to include in your eBook. You can include Html text pages, graphic Files such as .gif and .jpeg, Flash Files, sound Files and Live links to the Internet.

Step Two -------> Customize the interface.
Next, you'll determine How you want the eBook to appear. You can turn on several different options such as eBook screen size, the About box, navigational Tools, etc. Make your eBooks appear just as you want them to.

Step Three -------> Finalize and compile.
Complete your eBook by putting on the finishing touches. Entitle your eBook, include your Author name, insert a copyright, provide a link to your Website and your Email address and setup a personalized About box. Click a button to create the eBook and you're finished. Wasn't that Easy?

As if it wasn't Easy enough just reading the instruction manual, we've also included 4 SCREEN SHOT photographs to SHOW you How to do each of those three steps. Nothing is left For you to figure out on your own. We've done all of the homework For you. You've just got to turn it in and collect your A+ :o)

Seriously, it's that Simple. Nothing fancy. Nothing complicated. If you can click three buttons, then you can create an eBook with eBook Creator Toolkit.

Thanks Again!

*Note - There is a No Refund Policy For this Product. Due to the Nature of the Downloadable Link we could not retrieve the Software Back, even if you bought this thru an affiliate's site and they offer a Money Back guarantee!

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eBook Creator Toolkit Price


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eBook Creator Toolkit Operating Systems

Windows 95/98/ME,Windows NT/2000,Mac,Linux,Other Platform,Windows XP

